CKEditor Overview (Drupal 9)

Introduction to the WYSYWIG editor

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  1. Bold: This option allows you to apply bold formatting to selected text. Bold text appears thicker and is commonly used to emphasize important words or phrases.

  2. Italic: This option allows you to apply italic formatting to selected text. Italicized text has a slanted appearance and is often used for emphasis or to indicate titles and foreign words.

  3. Strikethrough: This option allows you to add a horizontal line through the middle of selected text, indicating that the text has been crossed out or deleted.

  4. Superscript: This option lets you raise the selected text above the baseline, making it appear smaller and higher than the surrounding text. It is commonly used for footnotes, mathematical exponents, and trademarks.

  5. Subscript: This option lets you lower the selected text below the baseline, making it appear smaller and lower than the surrounding text. It is often used in chemical formulas and mathematical equations.

  6. Remove Format: This option allows you to remove any applied formatting (e.g., bold, italic) from selected text, resetting it to the default style.

  7. Align Left: This option aligns the selected paragraph or block of text to the left margin, creating a flush left alignment.

  8. Center: This option centers the selected paragraph or block of text horizontally on the page.

  9. Align Right: This option aligns the selected paragraph or block of text to the right margin, creating a flush right alignment.

  10. Justify: This option aligns the text to both the left and right margins, creating a straight edge on both sides of the paragraph.

  11. Link: This option allows you to create hyperlinks by providing the URL and link text for the selected text. It turns the selected text into a clickable link.

  12. Unlink: This option removes an existing hyperlink from the selected text, turning it back to regular text.

  13. Insert/Remove Bulleted List: This option allows you to create a bulleted list with each item preceded by a bullet point. It helps organize content into a list format.

  14. Insert/Remove Numbered List: This option allows you to create a numbered list with each item having a sequential number. It's useful for creating step-by-step instructions or ordered lists.

  15. Block Quote: This option indents the selected text and gives it a distinct appearance, usually used for quoting external sources or highlighting important text.

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  16. Insert from Media Library: This option allows you to insert media (e.g., images, videos) from your site's media library directly into the editor.

  17. Table: This option allows you to insert tables into your content. Tables are useful for organizing data in rows and columns.

  18. Add Details: This option allows you to add a accordion block. It allows users to create an accordion block.  You can type a visible header/title, and the rest of the content becomes the collapsible section that appears when the header is clicked or toggled.

  19. Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)Templates: This option lets you use predefined templates to structure your content. Templates can be helpful for creating consistent layouts across your website.
  20. Run Accessibility Auditor on content in the editor: This option checks your content for accessibility issues and provides suggestions for improvements to ensure that your content is inclusive and usable by everyone.

  21. Show Blocks: This option displays the HTML structure of your content, showing individual blocks and elements. It's useful for advanced users who want to understand the underlying structure.

  22. Source: This option allows you to view and edit the HTML source code of your content directly. Advanced users may find this helpful for precise control over the markup.

  23. Paragraph Format: This option lets you apply different paragraph styles to your content, providing semantic meaning and structural hierarchy.

  24. Formatting Styles: This option allows you to apply custom styles or CSS classes to your content, which can be defined by your Drupal theme or configured elsewhere in your site.

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Article ID: 89483
Wed 6/2/21 12:04 PM
Wed 8/2/23 8:59 AM