Environment: Outlook Web app
Purpose: Report phishing messages to refine Outlook spam filters
To submit a junk mail message to Microsoft:
Click on the junk message and then click Junk on the toolbar. This moves the message to your Junk email folder and adds the sender to your blocked sender list. 
Alternatively, right-click a message to display a menu, and click Mark as junk.
You can report a junk message from your Inbox, Clutter, or Deleted Items folder.
A dialog box opens asking if you want to send a copy of the junk email message to Microsoft for analysis. Click report to send the message to the Microsoft Spam Analysis Team. Optionally, select the Don't show me this message again check box if you want to automatically submit future junk messages to Microsoft without being prompted. 
Even if you select the Don't show me this message again check box, you can later change your preferences for reporting junk email by accessing the display settings in Outlook on the web. (You can access these settings through the gear menu next to your sign in name.)
Submit phishing scam messages in Outlook on the web
To submit a phishing scam message to Microsoft:
Click on the phishing scam message, click the down arrow next to Junk, and then click Phishing on the toolbar. Office 365 does not block the sender because senders of phishing scam messages typically impersonate legitimate senders. If you prefer, add the sender to your blocked senders list by following the instructions in the topic Block or allow (junk email settings). 
Alternatively, right-click a message to display a menu, and click Mark as Phishing.
You can report a phishing scam message from your Inbox, Clutter, or Deleted Items folder.
For some organizations, a dialog box opens asking if you want to send a copy of the phishing scam email to Microsoft for analysis. Click report to send the message to the Microsoft Spam Analysis Team. This reporting option is currently available to a limited number of organizations; you might not be asked to report a phishing scam to Microsoft.
Submit "not junk" messages in Outlook on the web
When a message is incorrectly identified as junk by Office 365, submit a message as "not junk" to Microsoft:
In your Junk email folder, click on the message and then click Not Junk on the toolbar. This moves the message to your Inbox and adds the sender to your safe senders list.
You can also right-click on a message in your Junk mail folder to display a menu and click Mark as not junk.
A dialog box opens asking if you want to send a copy of the not junk email message to Microsoft for analysis. Click report to send the message to the Microsoft Spam Analysis Team..