Environment: StFX Maple League Classroom
Purpose: Maple League Classroom Users
1. Turn on televisions individually with the green button on remote control. All 3 televisions are controlled with this one remote.

2. Touch white touch pad screen to turn it on.
3a. To place a call:
Click Contacts
Choose your Maple League Contact
Choose Call.
To share your laptop screen, plug in your laptop to the provided HDMI cable. On the touch pad choose Share and choose Laptop.

As a default, the camera will follow you as you move about the room. To turn this off click the camera button at the top right of the touch pad (outlined in red below) and click the button (outlined in green below) off.

3b. To receive a call:
Choose Answer.
4. At the end of the call choose End call and turn off the televisions using the red button on the remote control.