I agree that I am responsible for returning this laptop on time in the same condition as when I borrowed it. I understand that:
- I will return or renew (if not required by another student) the laptop within a two week period after borrowing it.
- The first two weeks of use will be free. After that point, there may be a $10/day usage fee.
- If I fail to return or renew the laptop I will be charged a $1500 replacement fee.
- If I fail to return the loaned equipment my borrowing privileges may be revoked for future loans.
- If, after an ITS inspection, it is determined that I damaged the laptop screen, hardware and/or casing, I will be charged repair or replacement costs.
- If after an ITS staff inspection, it is determined that I did not return all cables or accessories, I will be charged replacement costs.
- If I tamper with the equipment, I will be charged to repair or replace the laptop and any cables or accessories.
- ITS will not be responsible for loss or damage to files as a result of malware, hardware failure, software failure, or network failure.
- ITS is not responsible for damage to external drives or any other devices plugged into the laptop.
- I will save files by copying them to a location other than the hard drive. For example, OneDrive or a USB flash drive. Any files copied or downloaded onto the laptop will be removed upon return and cannot be recovered.
I verify that I have received the following items:
laptop power adaptor ethernet cable – Initial ____________
I understand that by borrowing this laptop, I am responsible for its return. I agree never to leave the laptop unattended or in someone else’s care. If the laptop is stolen while on loan to me, I am responsible for the entire replacement cost of the equipment.
Name: ________________________________ Signature:_______________________
Student ID: _____________________________ Date: ______________________________
Help Desk Representative: _______________________________