Keychain Access - Updating or deleting an entry




This guide will walk through the steps for changing your webFX credentials in the Mac OS X Keychain Access.

You will need to follow this guide anytime that you change your webFX password.

Opening Keychain Access

Opening Keychain Access

To open up your Macs Keychain, open a Finder window.

1) Click on Applications in the left pane
2) Double click on Utilities


Double click on Keychain Access


The Keychain Access will open.

Here you will see several entries with saved passwords for applications, websites, network shares and wireless networks.

If you are getting a bunch of pop-ups asking for your credentials from the Keychain Access program that won't go away.

Try locking and unlocking the keychain. When you unlock it you will be prompted to enter your password. 


Try your current password if it works then you're done.  If it doesn't work then you will have to try your previous most recent password and you will have to change the password manually (see below).



-> If you are still getting bombarded with pop-ups you might have to go about manually deleting entries.

The next time that you log into the application, website, network share or wireless network, a pop up will prompt you to enter your new password and a check box to save to Keychain Access.


Deleting a Keychain Entry

Deleting a Keychain Entry

Right click on the entry that you want to delete and select Delete "EntryName".

In the example above, we are deleting PrintFX-Stu; the password saved when printing from your personal Mac to the webFX Printers.

Also above are some examples of other St.FX related services that you may have a password entry saved in Keychain Access:

Exchange: Mail account within Microsoft Outlook
Juno: Your personal H network drive Your username and password for Moodle
webfx: Your username and password for the WebFX wireless network
PrintFX-Stu: Password for webfxprinters. * Note: Staff & Faculty will see Edmund

-> If you are still having trouble with keychain you may need to reset your keychain.  You can access this feature under preferences.



Article ID: 32208
Fri 6/16/17 11:02 AM
Thu 5/19/22 7:54 AM

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