Managing Network Drive Permissions


*Mac Users will not able to perform these steps.


Department Share Purpose and disclaimers

Department shares must be used for Business related data only! 
No personal photos. No personal docs with Personal Info! No installation packages.
In a self managed department share the responsibility of data security is placed on the department share owners.   IT takes no responsibility for any data leak

This is a guide on how to change permissions of a network share to allow other people to access it. Please note, the user who wishes to change the permissions must themselves have full access or be an admin to the folder to make these changes.

1. Getting to your department share's security settings

1. Press the Windows key (Win) and search for file explorer OR press Win +E OR click on the following icon to open up File Explorer 

2. Select This PC in the sidebar to get the following screen (NOTE: your version may differ)

3. Right click on the network drive you wish to manage permissions for (in this guide we will be using the S: drive) to bring up the following menu. Click Properties

The folloing menu will appear:

4. Click on Security to bring  up the following menu

From this menu, you can add new users and set their permissions, edit existing users and their permissions, or remove existing users.

Add new user(s)

1. Click on Edit

2. Click Add

3. Type the usernames of the individuals you wish to add to the drive in the text box titled Enter the object names to select
4. Click Check Names to confirm the usernames. Confirmed ones will be underlined. To add multiple usernames, separate them with a semicolon.
5. Click OK. This window will close and you'll be taken back to the previous one.

6. Select the user you just added in the window that remains after the previous one closes.
7. Change the permissions of each user by placing check marks in the "Allow" or "Deny" columns.
8. Click Apply when finished
9. Click OK
Congratulations you have successfully changed the W drive permissions to allow only specific users access!!!

Permission descriptions

  • Full Control: allows users to manage all aspects of the share including permissions.
  • Modify: Edit files within the folder.
  • Read & execute: View and use files, but not modify them.
  • List folder contents: See what's inside the folder without being able to open or modify anything.
  • Read: View files without making changes.
  • Write: Create, delete, or modify files within the folder.

Editing existing user permissions

1. Click Edit

2. Ensure the user you want to edit permissions for is selected
3. Change the permissions for the account
4. Click Apply
5. Click OK

Permission descriptions

  • Modify: Edit files within the folder.
  • Read & execute: View and use files, but not modify them.
  • List folder contents: See what's inside the folder without being able to open or modify anything.
  • Read: View files without making changes.
  • Write: Create, delete, or modify files within the folder.

Delete a user

1. Click Advanced

2. Ensure the user you want to delete is selected
3. Make sure the [Enable/Disable] inheritance button says Enable inheritance
4. Click Apply
5. Click OK
6. Click  Edit
7. Select the user you want to remove
8. Click Remove
9. Click Apply
10. Click OK



Article ID: 35036
Thu 8/10/17 9:19 AM
Wed 3/20/24 1:30 PM

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