Environment: Windows and Apple devices connected to the StFX domain
Purpose: Directions to find how to mount a network drive
Stfx offers network storage for all accounts. Some departments have access to a shared department drive. There are two main storage locations; Juno, which houses department shares as well as personal network storage (H:) and Alonzo, which houses personal Web space (W:)
Mapping Instructions
Personal Network Storage (H: Drive) Path
Windows \\juno\<username>$
Mac Path smb://juno/<username>$
Where <username> is your own StFX username
Department Share Paths
Windows \\juno\depts$\<deptname>
Mac smb://juno/depts$/<deptname>
Where <deptname> is the department share name provided. Capitalization and space sensitive
Mapping Personal Web Storage W: Drive
Windows \\alonso\<username>$
Mac Path smb://alonso/<username>$
Where <username> is your own StFX username
Files save to this location will automatically be published online
Off Campus Connection
StFX account holders can connect to network drive from any off campus location with an Internet connection by connecting to the VPN before accessing their drives.
VPN Connection