At 9:00AM on Monday, November 30, 2020, Student mesAMIS will no longer provide access to information and services for students. Students will no longer access mesAMIS for any functionality, but this message will be maintained on the system for a brief period to help notify students of this change.
Environment: StFX Student with previous access to MesAMIS
Purpose: Describe the change from MesAMIS to other services
As StFX strives to stay current with our student information and reporting commitments; on November 30, 2020, the Student version of mesAMIS will be permanently retired and its functionality transitioned to other systems. This change has been undertaken to provide a better experience for students to view their information and gain access to services in a manner that is more secure and functional.
At 9:00AM on Monday, November 30, 2020, Student mesAMIS will no longer provide access to information and services for students. Students will no longer access mesAMIS for any functionality, but this message will be maintained on the system for a brief period to help notify students of this change.
What Is Changing?
Student mesAMIS information and services will be transitioned to myData, Banner Self Service, and the Registrar's Office Services portal; details of each are provided below. While not all members of the campus community make use of each of the following services; please note the new locations of those services relevant to you.
myData (Accessible through
myData will be used by students for viewing important information including:
- Exam Schedule
- Book List
- Financial Activity & Current Account Balance
- Unofficial Confirmation of Enrollment
- Application for an override
MyData uses stfx username (ie x2020abc) and and password, not Student ID and Pin as MesAMIS formerly did.
Banner Self Service (Accessible through
- Class schedule and grades will continue to be available in Banner Self Service and the StFX Go mobile app.
Registrar's Office Service Site
The Registrar's Office Service site will allow students to submit requests for the following:
- Address change requests
- Application for an overload (extra course)
- Application for an override
- Application to change program
- Appeal a grade
- Appeal an academic penalty
- Letter of permission to take courses at another university
- Official confirmation of enrollment request
- University Withdrawal