Student Printing Setup - macOS

*This is our legacy printing service. Please only use of Mobility Printing is unavailable.


Step 1. Download Konica Driver

1) From the list below select the operating system that you are running on your Mac.  Check Your Mac OS version
2) Click on the Downloads button or go to your default Downloads folder.
3) Double click on the downloaded file to begin running the installer.

Monterey OSX 12

Big Sur Mac OSX 11

Catalina OSX 10.15 and below

Step 2. Install Driver

Click Continue


Click Continue


Click Continue


Click Agree


Click Install


Enter your Mac's username and password then click Install Software


Click Close to finish the install.

You now have the Konica printer driver installed.

Step 3. Adding the Konica Printer

Click on the Spotlight icon in the top right hand corner and search Print & Scan then select the result.


Click on Print & Scan


Click the "+" button to add a printer.


You will get a pop up window that looks like this.

Right click anywhere on the top bar and select Customize Toolbar


1) Drag the Advanced icon to the top of the toolbar.
2) Click Done.


1) Click on the Advanced button.
2) Click on the Type drop down menu
3) Select Windows printer via spools

There are two options for adding printers: secured queue-printing, or unsecured direct-printing. Secured printing sends your job to a follow me queue which allows your walk up to Konica on campus authenticate and release your job.  Unsecured will avoid the authentication piece but will send the job immediately to the Konica of your choice.

Secured queue-printing:

Unsecured direct-printing:

1) The name of the queue is PrintFX-Stu, thus the URL needs to be: smb://xprinters/Print-Stu
2) Rewrite the name in the name box: Print-Stu
3) Write StFX as the location.
4) Click on the Use drop down menu followed by Select Printer Software
1) For direct printing, the actual name of the printer is required. A list of printer names can be seen by clicking here, or they can be seen on the green labels that are on the units themselves. Thus, the URL Field will be: smb://xprinters/Name of Printer Here
2) Rewrite the selected printer name in the name box
3) Write StFX as the location.
4) Click on the Use drop down menu followed by Select Printer Software

Select the Print Driver

1. Type in Konica in the Search
2. Choose the C558 PS driver
3. Click OK
Once that window disappears, click "Add".

Set up the Finisher

1) Click on the drop down menu for Finisher and select FS-533
2) Click OK




Step 4. Printing to the Konica printer


Selecting File -> Print in the program you wish to print from.
*Example used from Microsoft Word*

1) Select the PrintFX-Stu printer


Double Sided

Click on the drop-down menu and select Layout/ Finish


Click on the drop down menu and select 2-Sided


Black & White (Gray Scale)

Click on the drop down menu again and select Quality


Click on the drop down menu for Select Color and select Gray Scale

* Note: The descriptions for color preferences are as follows:

Auto Color: Charges account accordingly to color pages printed and black and white for pages with no color.
Full Color: Every page is charged the Color rate regardless if only black and white document. ( We DO NOT recommend this setting )
Gray Scale: Prints black and white regardless if color is present. This is the recommended setting.


To save these presets, click on the drop down menu labeled Presets and select Save Current Settings and Preset


Enter a preset name then click OK

Your print settings now have a preset that you can use when printing to the Konica Printers on campus.


Click on Print


The following screen will appear

1) Enter your webFX
2) Enter your webFX password.
3) Click OK

* Note: We recommend that you DO NOT check off the "Remember this password in my keychain" box to avoid password issues in the future *

You can now log into any of the Konica machines around campus and print your print job.

If you are unsure on how to log in to the units and release your print job, please click here.

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Print Article


Article ID: 55378
Fri 6/8/18 4:39 PM
Mon 6/6/22 1:47 PM