Environment: Desktop devices connected to the Internet
Purpose: Hosting an online class/office hours
Hosting virtual office hours is simple and easy to do with Microsoft Teams. Follow the directions below to get started.
Option 1: Using the Outlook App
1. Open Outlook and choose New Items > Meeting:

2. A new window will open, click Microsoft Teams. This will create a Teams link in your meeting invitation:

2. Add the necessary items such as invitees, subject, and date and time of event.

3. Click send.
4. If you are the meeting organizer and would like to go to your meeting in Teams, go to your calendar, click on the meeting, and choose Join Teams.
Option 2: Using Outlook calendar on your browser
1. Go to office365.stfx.ca (you may need to log in)
2. Click on Outlook
3. In the bottom left hand page, click the calendar icon:

4. The calendar will open. Choose "New Event" from the top left of the page.
5. Add a title to your meeting, the attendees, set the date and time. Under "Add online Meeting", choose Teams:

6. Click Send.
7. If you are the meeting organizer and would like to go to your meeting in Teams, go to your calendar, click on the meeting, and choose Join Teams.
Student/Attendee point of view:
1. Students/Attendees will receive invite via email a calendar invite with a “join” button or a “Join Microsoft Teams Meeting” link.
2. Once the students/attendees clicks on the “join” or “Join Microsoft Teams Meeting”, their browser will open a page with a choice of downloading MS Teams or Join on the web, make sure students join on the web, faculty and staff can join with the MS Teams app (add a note in the event for students to select “join on the web instead”):

3. Students/attendees can type their preferred name to join the meeting as and choose their video and audio settings.

They click "join now” and the student/attendee will be paused waiting for the instructor/ facilitator of the meeting to let them into the meeting