Environment: Scheduling a Microsoft Teams meeting in Outlook browser
Purpose: Guide users on proper steps to schedule and invite other users to meeting
Hosting a meeting is simple and easy to do with Microsoft Teams. Follow the directions below to get started.
1. Open Outlook and choose New event from your calendar view:

2. A new window will open as seen below. Update the invitees, date and time and choose Teams meeting for the location.

3. Click save.
Attendee point of view:
1. Attendees will get a calendar entry with a link to the Teams meeting.

2. Once the attendee clicks on the blue “Join Teams meeting” or “Join Microsoft Teams Meeting” link at the bottom of the invite, their browser will open a page with a choice of allowing the invite to be opened in Teams if the app is already installed or downloading MS Teams.

3. Choose your audio and video settings and click 'Join Now'