Environment: Teams for students
Purpose: How to use Teams for class as a student
Now that you have switched to online learning, your professor may have decided to use Microsoft Teams to host live classes, hold virtual office hours, or actually create a Team.
What is Teams?
Download Teams
Professors will use Teams in one of 2 ways:
1. (More likely) They will send you a calendar invite for you to join a chat or;
If your professor has decided to meet with you via Teams, you will get an Outlook calendar invite sent to your inbox.

When you click Join Microsoft Teams Meeting, you will be taken to your browser. If you own a Mac, you must download Teams. If you own a PC, you can run Teams on your browser.

2. (Less likely) They will create a Team where they can share files, chat, and meet. If you own a Mac, you will have to download the Teams app.
Learn how to join a Team
Learn about the guest experience