Environment: Teams, Collaborate. Classrooms where presenters have masks on.
Purpose: The purpose of this article is to share information on closed captioning, and other resources to better the online learning & teaching experience for all.
Closed Captioning in Microsoft Teams
Closed captioning and subtitling are both processes of displaying text on a television, video screen, or other visual display to provide additional or interpretive information. This can be a beneficial resource to all while participating in online learning, especially our hard of hearing, those with hearing loss community.
There are a couple ways to get live captions in Teams:
Use built-in captions
Teams has built-in closed captioning you can turn on from the meeting controls.
Turn captions on and off
To use live captions in a meeting, go to your meeting controls and select More options
> Turn on live captions.
To stop using live captions, go to the meeting controls and select More options
> Turn off live captions.
See more information here: https://stfx.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1764/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=89423
Collaborate currently does not support live captioning. It does have a feature to allow an attendee to type out the captions during the class in real time and be displayed. More information
on that can be found here: https://help.blackboard.com/Collaborate/Ultra/Administrator/Accessibility/Captions