Key Changes

10 Digit Phone Number
Once transitioned to MS Teams Calling, your phone number will be 10 digits (902-867-XXXX) and no longer a 4 digit extension.

No More Dialing 8 Before Number
For local or long distance calling you no longer need to dial 8 before the number.

Forward Old Phone To 10-Digit Phone Number
As we transition users to MS Teams, there will be a period where we have users in two environments.  To allow for PBX (old phone system) users to continue to contact transitioned users by 4 digit dialing on campus, you will need to forward your old phone to your 10-digit number. You can do this by pressing Forward, 8902867XXXX, Forward.  After this is complete, all your calls will come through MS Teams.

Power / Network Outage
In the event of a power outage and/or the network is down, you will have no phone service.  If you have a mobile device with the Teams app, you can still use MS Teams calling.

Call display (once transitioned):  

  • Calling out – the call displays StFX University 902-863-3300
  • Calling internally using keypad– the call displays the name
  • Calling internally using contact list – call displays name and number
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