5. Now you can add a file, instructions, and the due date. You can also allow students to submit multiple times until the close of the assignment. To do this, under "Submission settings" change "Require students click submit button" from "Yes" to "No".
6. Under Availability choose the dates in which student can submit their assignments.
7. Under Submission Types, leave "File submissions" checked, check "Online text" if you want student to be able to create text in the Kwe' (Moodle) assignment box.
8. Under Grade, you can change the maximum grade to whatever value the assignment is out of, or leave it at 100.
9. Now you can save and display.
Optional: Add a custom rubric to your assignment
Continued from above instructions:
10. Click on the assignment you would like to add a rubric to and click "Advanced grading" from the orange horizontal menu.
11. A new page will load and you will "Change active grading method to" "Rubric".
12. Click "Define new grading form from scratch".
13. Add your marking rubric under "Rubric". It will appear as a chart when you grade your student's assignments on Kwe' (Moodle). Click "Save rubric and make it ready".
Part 2: Student view
To see what students observe after you have uploaded your assignment follow these instructions.
1. Go to the course page.
2. Click your name in the top right corner of the page click "Switch role to". Choose "Student". Now you will be able to see what the student sees.
3. Now click on the assignment you would like to check over.
4. The student will "Add Submission".
5. They will be prompted to add a file. After adding a file, they can save changes and submit the assignment.
6. Following the submission, the student will receive an email confirming that they have submitted an assignment.
Part 3: Grading Assignments
There are 2 ways to grade assignments. The first way is grade within Moodle. The second way is to download the assignments, mark them, and re-upload them.
Part 3.1: Grading within Kwe' (Moodle)
1. Go to the course page.
2. Click on the assignment that needs to be graded.
3. Click "Grade". A window will open with the student's submission. Here you can annotate the file and enter the grade on the right.

4. Switch users using the top right arrows or dropdown menu.
5. Click "Save changes"
Part 3.2: Bulk downloading assignments
1. Go to the course page.
2. Click on the assignment that needs to be graded.
3. Click "View all submissions".

4. In the drop down menu, called "Grading action" choose "Download all submissions".

5. Submissions from students will all download into a .zip file.
6. After marking, go back to the assignment in Kwe' (Moodle), click “View all submissions”, under “Grading action” choose “Upload multiple feedback files in a zip”. Add the graded .zip file there. Assignments will automatically be assigned to the correct student.
7. Click "save changes".
Please note that assigning a grade in this function will require the Gradebook application to be set up in the course’s Kwe' (Moodle) page.