Accessing a Shared Mailbox

To access a shared mailbox (mailbox that is not a full account) you must have full mailboxes granted by IT Services.  Mailbox rights can be requested by a member with current rights to the account.

Microsoft Office 365 Name Changes - BSC Solutions Group Ltd.

Web Access


Outlook Client

Add the shared mailbox so it displays under your primary mailbox

If you want to monitor the email from your primary mailbox and the shared mailbox at the same time, use this method. In addition, after you complete this task, the shared mailbox and its folders are displayed in the left navigation pane each time you open Outlook on the web.

  1. Sign in to your account in Outlook on the web.

  2. Right-click Folders in the left navigation pane, and then choose Add shared folder

  3. In the Add shared folder dialog box, type the name or email address of someone who has shared a mailbox with you, and then click Add. Or, type the name of the shared mailbox you are a member of, such as

The shared mailbox displays in your Folder list in Outlook on the web. You can expand or collapse the shared mailbox folders as you can with your primary mailbox. You also can remove the shared mailbox from your Folder list. To remove it, right-click the shared mailbox, and then click Remove shared folder.

Open the shared mailbox in a separate browser window

Use this method if you want to view and manage the email for the shared mailbox in its own browser window.

  1. Sign in to your account in Outlook on the web.

  2. On the Outlook on the web navigation bar, click your name. A list appears.

  3. Click Open another mailbox.

  4. Type the email address of the other mailbox that you want to open and then click Open. Another Outlook on the web session opens in a separate window, allowing access to the other mailbox.

Microsoft Support Document


   Outlook for Windows Clients

After account permissions have been granted to a shared account it should automatically appear under the < Shared heading after restarting your outlook client, if not follow the steps below.

Microsoft Support Document

  Outlook for Mac

  1. On the Tools menu, click Accounts.
  2. Click the Plus Sign to add an additional Exchange account.
  3. Enter the shared mailbox in the E-mail address field, and enter the shared mailboxes credentials under Authentication.
  4. If prompted for a login use your own username and password to authenticate, remove the shared mailbox name and do your own credentials​​​​​​​

Microsoft Support Document​​​​​​​


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Article ID: 51110
Wed 3/28/18 10:56 AM
Mon 7/8/24 10:48 AM

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