Creating groups in Kwe' (Moodle)


A group is a collection of users; a grouping is a collection of groups. For groups to function properly within your course, those groups must belong to a grouping. Groupings allow you to keep certain groups together depending on what kinds of activities you want the students in those groups to do.



1. Click on the course that you would like to create groups on. 

2. Click on the Participants icon along the top menu of the course.                        

3.   From the Participants area click Enrolled Users and find Groups.     

4. To create a group, click on "Create Group". 


5. Enter the "Group name" (e.g. Group 1) and click 'Save changes". Switch Group Messaging from No to Yes to allow students in their groups to message one another. 

screenshot of Moodle's groups feature.


6. Click "Add and remove users"


7. People enrolled in your class will appear in the right panel including the professor and teaching assistants.  

  • You can search for people individually in the search bar or click on their name.  

  • If you would like to select multiple people from the list that are next to each other, click the first name then SHIFT and click the next name while still holding SHIFT.  

  • If you want to add people from the list not listed next to each other, click on names with your finger on the CONTROL key to select specific names.  


8. Once the people you would like to add are in the group, they will be highlighted. Click "Add"Click "Back to Groups".


9.  Click "Back to Groups" 

10. Now you will see that a group is created. In the left panel, you will see the Groups. The red outlined box shows how many people are in that group. If you click on the group. then in the right panel, people listed in that group will appear.



11. Continue with these steps until everyone in class is in a Group. 


Adding Resources to Groups

1. To give resources to a specific group, upload a file (see instructions here), then under edit settings > Restrict access > Add Restriction > Group > Choose group.  

2. Save and return to course. 

Groups can be manually created, or Moodle can divide the groups for you, but please remember that Moodle will create “full” groups and a small group unless directed to do otherwise for auto selecting.  

For example, in a class of 81, Moodle may divide the class into 30, 30 and 21 students.  

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