Environment: StFX's Course Content Platform, Kwe' (Moodle). Available at
Purpose: Learn how to change Kwe' (Moodle)'s forum settings if messages are not arriving to inbox in a timely manner
To customize these settings:
1. Log into Kwe' (Moodle) and click your name or image in the top right of your screen.

2. Click Preferences.
3. Under "User Preferences" click "Forum Preferences"
4. From the "Email digest type" drop-down menu, select how Kwe' (Moodle) will send notifications when you are following discussions. You have the following options:
Note: By choosing Complete or Subjects you will receive one email per day with notifications from Kwe' (Moodle). If you choose No digest, you will receive an email every time a classmate or instructor posts to discussions you are following.