Environment: StFX's Course Content Platform Kwe' (Moodle). Available at
Purpose: Adding forums in Kwe' (Moodle)
1. You can add a new forum by first clicking on the blue "Turn Editing On" button at the top right-hand of the course page:

2. Next, go to the Topic/Section where you want to add the forum.
3. When you are ready click, "Add and activity or resource".
4. A screen will open with many activities and you will click the option "Forum":

Add a name, a description, and set the availability.
5. Under "Forum type" choose:
Single simple discussion
Only one topic, started by the instructor, is allowed. This is best suited for short-term, focused conversations.
Each person posts one discussion
Each student may start one new topic. Students are not limited in the number of replies they can post within those topics.
Q and A forum
An instructor posts one topic, for example, posing a question to students. Students must post their response before they can view other students’ responses.
Standard forum for general use
Allow multiple topics arranged in a threaded conversation. Students may start new topics in this format.
Standard forum displayed in a blog-like format
Allow multiple topics listed with the most recent topic at the top of the page and replies behind a link. Students may start new topics in this format.
Individual student journals
Moodle does not come with a preset option for student journals, but you can set one up using a forum to create either a private journal where only instructors can read student posts, or blog-like individual journals that everyone on the course can read.
This unique forum is automatically created in each course for instructors to post announcements. By default, comments are not allowed, only instructors and TAs can post to the forum, and all course participants receive an email copy of each post.
6. Under "Subscription and tracking", choose which type of subscription you would like to have for this forum. Optional subscription is the recommended setting.
7. If you want to have a forum for groups to discuss only with their own group members, set the "Common module settings" group mode to "Separate groups": 
Do this only if you have created groups in your course and want those groups to only be able to see their own group's postings.
8. Click save.