Purpose: Learn how to share files on OneDrive without uploading files to Kwe' (Moodle)
1. Go to office365.stfx.ca log into your account. Click on OneDrive.

2. Upload the file to your OneDrive account. You can upload files from your computer by clicking the upload button:

3. Once the file is on OneDrive, you can share the file by clicking on the arrow as seen below:

4. A window will pop open when you click the share button. When this occurs, click the red box outlined below:
And change that option to:

5. Click "Apply"
6. Click "copy link":

7. Go to your Kwe' (Moodle) page and choose the course you would like to add the video to.
8. Toggle editing on
9. Click "Add a resource".

10. Scroll down and choose "URL".
11. Add a name, and paste in the URL that was copied from OneDrive.
12. Scroll down to the bottom and click "Save and Display".
This procedure is an alternative to uploading documents to Kwe' (Moodle), so please remember that permissions must be granted on the OneDrive Document before sharing the link.