Brian Mulroney Institute of Government Video Studio - Powering On


Power on Procedures 

Under normal operation most of the equipment will be left on at all times.  The exceptions may include but not limited to:

  • The Lighting
  • Sharp Interactive Monitor
  • Dell All-In-One desktop computer

If the equipment has been powered down for any reason, the desk equipment and each equipment rack has it’s own power control that can be turned on manually.  

*Note: if any of the BlackMagic Design equipment fails to turn on, unplug the power cord from the unit and plug it back in.  These units do not have a power switch and from time to time during a loss of power may not turn back on.

Turning on the Video Lighting

The three “Elation LED Studio Lights” are controlled with the Crestron Touch Screen Control.

Touch the screen to activate the menu options. 

Once the screen turns on, you will see 3 options on the left of the screen; Source Control, Lighting Control and Display Control. 

Select Lighting Control, This will display controls for the 3 lights (Key, Fill & Rear). Individual controls are available for each light allowing you to increase (up arrow) or decrease (down arrow). 

Five different lighting presets can be saved and recalled for faster setup of regular productions. 

Color Temperature control is available, moving the arrow up will increase the color temp and add more Blue to the light quality. Moving the arrow down will decrease the color temp and add more red to the light quality.  You can choose any color temp position as long as you adjust your camera for the specific lighting.  Leaving the Color Temp setting in the middle(neutral) position is OK. 

Position of the Lights in the Room.

Depending on the location of your camera and the subject functional use of the lights may change. 
Key and fill lighting provide front lighting of the subject. Rear light is located behind the subject lighting the back of the bead and shoulders. This light creates separation between the subject and the background.


Turning on the Sharp Interactive Monitor

Touch the screen to Activate the Crestron Touch Screen Control to access the main menu. 

  1. Select Display Control from the 3 buttons on the left of the screen. 
  2. Turn the Monitor on and off from this screen.
  3. To change the source on the Sharp Interactive Monitor select source control.  Choose ATEM or Dell Computer

Turning on the Dell All-In-One Desktop Computer

Locate the power switch on the front of the screen in the lower right corner. 

Starting the ATEM software on Dell All-In-One Desktop Computer

The Dell Computer will be used to run the ATEM Software control for the Video Switcher.
Navigate to Programs > Blackmagic Design > ATEM Software Control


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