Support for PC and Mac computers and any other hardware owned by StFX.
Lab support, digital signage, classroom technology.

Categories (4)


Support for Windows 7 & Windows 10 operating systems


Support for macOS

BMIG Video Studio

Information and training on the equipment and use of the video studio in the Brian Mulroney Institute of Governance.

Articles (8)

Backing Up Information Saved on Your Computer

This article is for the backing up of local data from devices onto OneDrive

Booking Technology Support

St FX IT Services books appointments for support using Calendly, which allows users to select a date and time that best works for them to receive support.

Computer Lab Locations

To summarize, Schwartz 252 has 60 computers for use when classes are not occupying it. The first floor of the library is also home to 10 computers for students to use.

Dell 5420 Audio Issues

If you are experiencing audio issues with your StFX-owned Dell try using following the steps as a solution.

Determinine the Age of your Computer

How old is my stfx system? Links to commonly purchased manufacturer sites to help determine the devices age.

Wifi Only vs Cellular Data Device

When to choose a tablet with cellar over a tablet with just wifi.