Environment: StFX's Course Content Platform, Kwe' (Moodle). Available at
Purpose: Learn how to create a simple gradebook in Kwe' (Moodle)
Example Set-Up
This article will use the following mark breakdown:
Assignment 1- 10%
Assignment 2 - 20%
Midterm - 30%
Final Exam - 40%
TOTAL - 100%
1. Go to your course and along the left side of your page, click Grades
2. In the drop down menu, choose Grade book setup.
3. If you have created assignments using the assignment feature, they will appear in your gradebook already. For all other items such as midterms and exams, click "Add Grade Item".
4. Under Item Name, add the item's name. Ex: Midterm. The default maximum grade is 100. You can set this to whatever you marked the item out of.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until all grade items are in your gradebook.
6. Now it's time to add weights to these grade items. In the example above, assignment 1 is out of 10%. Go to Gradebook Setup in the dropdown and at the top of the gradebook, choose Edit > Edit Settings:

7. Under Graded Category, click Show More and change the Aggregation to Weighted Mean of Grades and Save.
8. Now your gradebook has empty boxes where you enter the weights. If Assignment 1 is out of 10% of their final grade, add 10. Repeat this for all items and then Save: