


The online exam(s) in this course require(s) a proctor. You are responsible for making proctoring arrangements and covering associated costs. You can arrange for a proctor through ProctorU, an online proctoring service with which Continuing & Distance Education (CDE) has an agreement. Please see the Syllabus for important information pertaining to costs and conditions associated with using ProctorU.

By using ProctorU, you will have the convenience of writing your exam within any room where you can be alone and undisturbed, as long as the room has reliable internet with adequate speed (e.g., your home office). You will also have the flexibility of scheduling your exam to be written at almost any time of your choice on exam day. Please see the Schedule for the exam date(s).

Please follow the steps below to get started with ProctorU.

  • Your midterm exam must be scheduled at least 3 weeks prior to exam day.
  • Your final exam must be scheduled at least 4 weeks prior to exam day.

Where to go for help with the steps below:

  • If you need help with your online equipment test, please go the bottom of the online equipment test page ( and submit the form to connect with a technician.
  • If you need other technical help with these steps (e.g., installing Google Chrome), please contact CDE Support (
  • If you have questions about policies or procedures pertaining to the exam or proctoring, please contact the Program Office (

Step 1: Learn about ProctorU

Step 2:  Review the Terms and Conditions for using ProctorU

A copy of the StFX Terms and Conditions for Using ProctorU is given below.

Please review the Terms and Conditions below carefully. ProctorU will require you to consent to these Terms and Conditions before you start your exam.

Note: In case of any discrepancy between the Terms and Conditions below and the Terms and Conditions presented to you by ProctorU prior to writing your exam, the Terms and Conditions presented to you by ProctorU will stand as the correct version.

StFX Terms and Conditions for Using ProctorU

St. Francis Xavier University (StFX) collects, uses, discloses and retains personal information in compliance with the NS Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (NS FIPPA).

The use of ProctorU online proctoring service is voluntary.

When choosing to use ProctorU, your personal information is being collected and will be used for the purposes of creating a personal account and proctoring of your exam.

ProctorU proctoring service collects, creates and stores a wide variety of personal information that may include: first and last name, address, institution name, phone number, student number, user name, student images, password, email address, real-time video and audio viewing, notes regarding student's behavior during the exam, visual identification (photo matching), viewing of student’s computer screens and systems, and 360° testing environment scanning when requested, real-time monitoring of all applications, windows, and monitors that are being utilized on your computer during the exam to prevent unauthorized viewing of content during an exam.

ProctorU will also collect (but not store) your credit card information for the payment of this service, should you choose to use ProctorU.

The invigilator will ask to view (but not collect or store) your student identification to verify your identity and will remote access your computer to unlock the exam. Your actions will be monitored by the invigilator via video streaming of your webcam and your computer screen, and both of these video streams will also be recorded. 

The collection of and access to the personal information listed above is permitted under the NS FIPPA.

ProctorU is an American company. ProctorU takes certain reasonable steps to protect your personal information from unauthorized access and disclosure. Information on how ProctorU handles your data and how long ProctorU retains your data can be found in their Privacy Policy.  

By checking the box provided, I acknowledge that I have read and understood this privacy notification and consent to the storage and access of my personal information outside Canada.

Step 3: Install Google Chrome and add the ProctorU extension

Step 4: Do an online equipment test

Click here to test your equipment.URL

  • Use the same computer you plan to use for your exam, and go to the room you plan to be in on exam day.
  • Be sure to "Allow" the browser to access your camera and microphone if asked.
  • You need to achieve a successful equipment test (i.e., 5 check marks) to write an online exam with ProctorU.
  • If you need assistance, scroll down to the bottom of the online equipment test page and submit the form to connect with a technician.
  • If you are unable to achieve a successful equipment test even after connecting with a technician, please contact CDE Support (
Step 5: Create a ProctorU account.
  • Account creation is not yet available. Please check back soon for instructions.
    • If you already have a ProctorU account, please skip this step.
    • Click on the ProctorU link below (under Step 6).
    • Click on No when you are asked, "Do you have a ProctorU account already?" You will be taken to an online form. 
    • Tip: If you use your StFX email address, you will be able to go directly to ProctorU from Moodle (without logging in).
    • Select your Time Zone carefully. Tip: Locate the largest city that is in the same time zone. Examples:
      • If you are in Nova Scotia, select time zone (GMT-04:00) America/Halifax.
      • If you are in Quebec and in the same time zone as Montreal, select time zone (GMT-05:00) America/Montreal.
    • Make sure all required fields are filled in before clicking on Create Account.

Step 6 : Schedule your exam

  • If you need to reschedule your exam, click on the ProctorU link above and then on Reschedule.
  • Congratulations - you are finished scheduling your exam with ProctorU.
  • Click here for a visual guide to the above instructions.
  • Complete the payment*** and checkout process for the exam that has been added to your cart.
  • Click on the SELECT button beside any of the available time slots and then on SCHEDULE to confirm.
  • Choose the Date* and Time** you would like to take the exam and then click on Find Available Times.
  • Click on Find Sessions.
  • Choose YOUR EXAM for the exam.
  • Choose THE TERM for the term.
  • Click on Schedule New Session.
  • If your ProctorU account was created with your StFX email address, you will go directly to ProctorU. Otherwise, you will have to click on Yes when asked if you have a ProctorU account and then log in.
  • Click on the ProctorU link above.
  • *Date must be June 30 for the midterm and August 4 for the final.
    **Time must be between 12:00 AM and 8:30 PM for the midterm and between 12:00 AM and 8:00 PM for the final.
    ***Payment is in US dollars and can be made by debit or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, or American Express).
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