Environment: Using Blackboard Collaborate Ultra
Purpose: Setting up office hours
Go to moodle.stfx.ca and log into the course you want to have hosted during the office hours. For hybrid office hours it may be best to use the course with most students.
Click on the Collaborate Online Classroom link
From the Collaborate Lobby Create a Session
Name your session “Office Hours” in the settings pane and set the time and if the session will repeat. You can also add a description.
Be sure to uncheck “Allow attendees to join the session using a telephone. (This does not prevent mobile Wi-Fi access through the internet.)
Allow Guest Access
Save the session
Copy the Guest Link
Post the Guest Link in your other courses using a URL resource or a link in the description of a section.
- Those students will now have access to the office hours session in the host course. *Only this session during the hours you have specified.
- Students from the course ‘hosting’ the session can enter from the course page as they would the Course Room.
To handle multiple visitors to your office hour session, use a breakout room to visit with students one on one, using the main room as a waiting room, when desired. Also consider using the Kwe' (Moodle) Scheduler if you would rather schedule times to meet.