BB Collaborate is the online class space you can use for lectures, office hours, and meeting with students. It provides a variety of features such as breakout rooms, recording of lectures, attendance reporting, chat, hand-up and reaction participation, screensharing and quizzing. Collaborate with the Ultra experience opens right in your browser, so you don't have to install any software to join a session.

Visit their support site here:

How to set up Collaborate:

Recording using Collaborate:

Articles (9)

Pinned Article Adding BlackBoard Collaborate Online Classroom

This article covers how to add a Collaborate online classroom to your Moodle course and some of the best-practice settings.

Hosting virtual office hours using Collaborate

One way to hold virtual office hours is to use the Collaborate tool.  You can use your Collaborate link for dedicated office hours for one class or for so-called mixed office hours for multiple courses.

Online Classroom Collaborate Link Issue "open in new window"

Describes an issue with the Online Classroom link where the link does not open the Collaborate lobby instead opening a new Moodle page with "open in new window link".

Setting Up Your Collaborate Classroom: Best Practice

This article covers the best practices to use when setting up your Collaborate Online Classroom link in Kwe' (Moodle).

Using Reports to Track Attendance in Collaborate

Describes how to access the attendance report for Collaborate sessions.

Compressing a PowerPoint for use in Collaborate

A large PowerPoint file may be difficult to upload to Collaborate. The best way to reduce the size of a PPT file for Collaborate is to open the file in the online version of PowerPoint and download as a PDF.