The Announcements Forum

Course Announcements in Kwe' (Moodle)

  • Announcements appear by default in the top section.  
    Although you can move the Announcements forum out of the top section, we recommend you do not as this may make it more difficult for your students to find. 

  • The Latest news block and Announcements are connected 
    The Latest news block displays the titles of your most recent posts to Announcements and links to those posts. 

  • Hide or remove Announcements. 
    If you do not want to use Announcements, you can simply hide both it and the Latest news block. If you want to delete the forum entirely, you must also delete the Latest News block (see Delete Announcements, below). 

  • Send an email copy of your posts. 
    Kwe' (Moodle) will send an email copy of your posts to the entire class. The email includes any attachments to the post. You can choose to make subscription optional or disable it (see Edit Announcements Settings, below).  
    Note: Your post will be held for 30 minutes prior to being sent. The post can be edited within that timeframe. Alternatively, if would like your new post emailed immediately, check Mail now. 

  • Archived posts. 
    While you also have the option to use Quickmail to email students, Announcements posts have the advantage of being collected on a single page within the course. You and your students can review them any time you are logged into Kwe' (Moodle) without having to search through your personal email inbox. 


To reconfigure some of the behaviors of the Announcements forum:

  1. On your course page, click Toggle Editing On. Editing icons and links will appear next to editable items.
  2. Locate the Announcements forum, click Edit, then select Edit Settings. The Updating Forum page will open.
  3. To rename the activity from Announcements, in the Forum name box, enter a new name.
  4. To add a description, enter text in the Description box, and to have the description display on the course page under the Announcements link, select the check box for Display description on course page.
  5. To change whether class members receive emails of posts, locate and open Subscription and tracking section, and from the Subscription mode drop-down, select a new option. 
  6. To change whether your course members see a highlighted message next to the forum if they have unread posts, select either Optional (default) or Off for Read tracking.
  7. The remaining settings are common to all forums, but are not useful for Announcements and can be ignored.
  8. To save your changes, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Save and return to course.


Add a Post to Announcements

  1. On your course page, click the Announcements link. The Announcements page will open, showing the description you provided when you set up the activity, and if any posts have been made, they will be listed here. If no topics or posts have been added, you'll see the message, "No announcements have been posted yet.".
  2. Click Add a new topic. The Your new discussion topic page opens.
    (Alternatively, you can skip Step 1, and click the Add a new topic link in the Latest news block to open this page.)
  3. Enter a Subject and a Message
  4. If subscription is set to Optional in the forum's settings, you can use the Subscription drop-down menu to choose whether or not to receive email copies of posts made to this forum. This will affect you, not your students.
  5. You may choose to add an attachment.
  6. Select the Mail now check box if you do not want the standard 30-minute delay before subscribers receive an email.
  7. Select the Pinned check box if you want to highlight your Post to be at the top of your Announcements list.
  8. Click Post to forum to post your message. You will be returned to Announcement page, on this page a "success" message appears. The subject line of the new post will appear as a link in the Latest news block.

Announcements is a tool utilized by Faculty and TAs to communicate with the class. Please note, students cannot leave replies to the posts; it is a one-way tool.  

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