Environment: StFX's Course Content Platform, Kwe' (Moodle). Available at
Purpose: The Upcoming events and Calendar blocks help participants keep track of upcoming dates and events, including due dates
Both blocks are linked to the Calendar which is automatically updated when activities with due dates (e.g., assignments or quizzes) are added to a course.
The calendar is preloaded with important university-wide dates.
Instructors can manually create events for an entire course, for a specific group of students, or for themselves.
Any Kwe' (Moodle) user, including students, can create personal Calendar events which will be visible only to them.
Upcoming Events Block
The Upcoming events block lists Kwe' (Moodle) Activities with due dates and manually created calendar events that will happen within the next twenty days. Events or activities hidden from students are not listed.
To add the Upcoming events block to your course page, see Add & Remove Blocks in Kwe' (Moodle).
Note: The Upcoming events block does not require that the Calendar block also be added to the course page.
Upcoming Events Block Procedure
Using the Upcoming events block:
To open an activity, click its name.
To view an event's page in the Calendar, click the date.
To view the Calendar full screen, click Go to calendar....
To manually add a new event, click new event. The New Event page will open (see Add Events to the Calendar, below).
Calendar Block
The Calendar block displays a small version of the current month's calendar. Events and due dates are color-coded to distinguish course events from university-wide, Group, or personal (User) events.

Instructors can add the Calendar block to a course page (see Add & Remove Blocks in Kwe' (Moodle)), and anyone can add the Calendar block to their My Home page.
Calendar Block Procedure
Using the Calendar block:
To move the month forward & backward, click the right and left arrows at the top of the block.
To view a pop-up listing all events for a day, hover over the highlighted day.
To view the details for an event or activity, hover over a day, then, in the pop-up, click an event name.
To view the full Calendar, and manually add events, click the name of the Month.
Adding Events Manually
When due dates are set from within an activity such as an assignment they are automatically added to the Calendar. Not all activity types automatically add due dates to the Course calendar, but users can manually add events, or import events from an external calendar system.
To add events manually:
- To create a new calendar event:
• In the Upcoming events block, click New event... (at bottom).
- or -
• In the Calendar block, click the month title, and when the Calendar opens, click New event (top-right).
The New event page will open.
- Select the type of event (Course, Group, or User). Anyone can create a user event, but only instructors can create Course or Group events.
Note: To create a Group event, groups must already be set up in a course. After selecting Group as the type of event in the Group event field, select the specific group.
- In the Event title field, enter a name for the event.
- (Optional) In the Description field, enter a brief description of the event.
- For Date, select the date and start-time for the event.
- Click Save changes and the course calendar will open displaying the new event.
Both the Calendar block and the Upcoming events blocks are useful tools that can be used to track important upcoming events.