Environment: StFX's Course Content Platfrom, Kwe' (Moodle). Available at
Purpose: At the end of each semester, instructors should backup their Kwe' (Moodle) courses onto OneDrive for safe keeping
1. Click More along the top menu of the course and choose "Course Reuse".
2. In the dropdown, choose "Backup".
3. Check off what you would like to backup and then click "Jump to Final Step":

4. Your course may take a few minutes to backup depending on its size:

5. Once it has successfully been backed up, click "Continue":

6. Download this backed up file onto your computer and store it elsewhere (i.e.: OneDrive):

7. Once you have downloaded the backed-up file, click "Manage Backup Files":

8. Click on the backup file:

9. Choose "Delete". This will delete only the backup you created of your course, not the course itself:

10. Save changes.
Please also check with your department on policies and procedures for backup.