Eduroam Wi-Fi Setup - Android




These are the steps necessary to connect to the Eduroam network on your Android phone.

Choosing Eduroam in your list of networks

1. Click on "eduroam" listed in your available networks.


Enter credentials

Choose these options for each category.
1. EAP method: PEAP
2. Phase 2 authentication: MSCHAPV2
3. CA certificate: (unspecified)
4. Identity: your webFX (i.e.
5. Anonymous identity: Leave this line blank.
6. Password: Your current webFX password.
7. Click connect

You will now be connected to the Eduroam wireless network.

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Article ID: 32004
Wed 6/14/17 12:47 PM
Wed 5/25/22 4:20 PM

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