Get connected to StFX's campus-wide wireless access.

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Get connected to StFX's campus-wide wireless access.


Eduroam is a wireless service that allows students, staff, and faculty to use their own home institution’s credentials to access wireless network services when visiting any other Eduroam affiliated institutions (over 70 worldwide). A complete list participating locations can be found at the Canarie website,

Articles (4)

Connecting Gaming and Streaming Devices

Register your gaming console, Google Home, Alexa or another streaming device to access the wifi.

Connecting to StFX Guest wireless

How to connect to StFX Guest Wireless network as a visitor at StFX.

Wi-Fi at StFX

StFX provides students, faculty, and staff with three campus-wide wireless networks. Each of these are secure and encrypted, and each serves a different purpose.

Working Remote Connection Problems

When working from home/remotely there has been issues connecting to WiFi networks with certain windows computers.