Setting up EMS FortiClient VPN for Mac

MFA for VPN has been implemented as of Aug 11th, 2021.  StFX account holder must have configured the fortitoken app on their mobile device or have been issued a hardware token in order to connect to the VPN.  If you have not yet done so access can be requested using the VPN Access Service

Installing EMS FortiClient VPN:

1. Download FortiClient for Mac

2. Once the link is opened, select download along the top window  Do not click the file in the list. Allow the file to download. Once completed, select it to open it. 

3. On your desktop locate the FortiClient mounted drive.  Double click to expand its contents.

4. Select the box that says "install.mpkg"

4. Another menu, called Install FortiClient will appear. For this you must select Continue, and then Install.

5. A safety prompt from your device may appear, select "Agree".

6.  You may also be prompted to input your device password during this download. 

7. This screen will appear to confirm a successful download. 


8. After download, you may be prompted with these notifications:

For this one, you may select "Move to Trash."

For access to your Downloads folder, you may select "OK"

9.  Now you have successfully downloaded the software onto your Mac device. 

Using FortiClient VPN 

1. To use FortiClient VPN on your device after download, select the new VPN Icon on the top right of your desktop screen.

2. The VPN icon is the small shield, furthest left on this screen.

3. If you select the VPN shield, a drop down menu will appear. The first option will say "Connect to STFX". 

4. After selecting "Connect to STFX", the menu below will appear. You will log in here with your StFX credentials. 

5. After selecting "Connect" you will be connected to the VPN.

To disconnect the VPN at any time, from the same drop down menu select the red "X" that says "Disconnect STFXVPN"

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1st time user of StFX VPN, start here to get configured.

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