Banner, MesAmis, and other institutional applications.

Categories (10)

Student Information

Guides for students on how to access relevant student information.

Department Software

Specialized software used by StFX Departments, Banner Forms, Blackboard and Casper.

Software Downloads

Software available for download

Web Based Applications

Guides and tutorials for web based StFX supported applications

Drupal Department Websites

For instructions on editing department websites


Banner Self Service and Banner Forms

StFX GO Mobile App

StFX Go is a mobile app to help you stay connected and receive important university announcements with quick, easy access to key resources at StFX.


Students can access academic applications using the mylabapps service.

Information Reporting

Reporting Systems which allow for running data reports to display student, faculty, and staff information.

Articles (6)

Pinned Article Banner Self-Service, MyData, & mesAMIS Access

This guide will walk you through the connection steps for accessing mesAMIS, myData and Banner Self-Service on campus


We are frequently asked if StFX currently holds a site license for Adobe products. Presently StFX does not own a site license for any adode products. The free Adobe reader is installed on StFX owned devices as part of software deploys. Department that need specialized Adobe software purchase and license the software on their own.

MesAMIS, Banner and MyData Access - Quick links

Looking to access mesAMIS and Banner Self Service. Your access is different dependent on if you are connected to a VPN or not.

Reporting Access

Instructions for a accessing Legacy MesAMIS Reports and Reports on the Extended Menu.

Student mesAMIS Retirement

At 9:00AM on Monday, November 30, 2020, Student mesAMIS will no longer provide access to information and services for students. Students will no longer access mesAMIS for any functionality, but this message will be maintained on the system for a brief period to help notify students of this change.