UKG - Setting up your Account - First Login



Locate your original UKG Password in your StFX Email

  1. Access your email through your email client if configured or Navigate a web-browser to and log in using your stfx email address and password.
  2. Click on Outlook
  3. Locate the email from People and Culture containing your UKG password.
If unable to locate this email, reach out to to ensure they have the proper address on file.  Please note for new employees this process can take 2-3 days after the account is created.


Enroll in UKG

  1. Navigate an Internet browser to
  2. Log in using your stfx email address and the INITIAL password found in your UKG email


Select your delivery method for two factor authentication code

  1. Choose a delivery method. Ensure you choose a method you have access to as you will need verify this method in the next few minutes.
    • Text
    • Voice Call
    • Email
  2. Retrieve the code sent to the selected delivery method
  3. Input the code and press submit





Change your Initial Password

Input your intial UKG password in the current password field

Create your UKG password and enter it in both new password and confirm password fields


Create Security Questions

Your UKG account contains valuable personal information so it is important to protect your data select that would not be commonly known.  These questions are created to allow self service password resets to gain access following leaving stfx.

Enrollment is Complete!

It's important to note that once you have completed the enrollment you will be using a different link to access your UKG account, and the login information will be the same as your StFX email

UKG Login Link

UKG Platform view

Add the UKG App to your Mobile device

You can now download the UKG App to your phone or tablet device from the Google Play or Apple Store by using the STFXHR as the company access code.

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Related Services / Offerings (1)

UKG Pro is StFX Human Resources Information System (HRIS). It provides a one-stop portal for all HR information. this includes pay, benefits, leave tracking, and scheduling.

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