Challenges with digital exams:
- Infrastructure
- Wi-Fi
- Signal variance due to location and load
- Weather-related issues Wi-Fi issues
- Personal devices
- What else can we think of?
- Room configuration (not enough electrical outlets)
- Personal devices - not all students have the same computer.
- Personnel limitations – emergencies with digital exams may not be attended to in a timely manner especially after hours or on weekends.
- Lack of computer labs
- Proctoring Software
- Respondus Lockdown Browser
- Does not work with certain devices
- Requires download and set up (mock up exams)
- Not recommended for Tramble Students as it interferes with Read and Write
- Other proctoring software
The way forward:
- Know the risks - room, Wi-Fi, student tech capacity, software issues, personnel.
- Consider paper exams
- OMR/Scantron
- Take-home or alternative assessment - what is something that you do as an alternative assessment?
Flow chart: Should you use digital exams?

Creating a Question Bank
Respondus Best Practices