Student Laptop Loaner

What is this service?

The Angus L MacDonald Library has a pool of loaner laptops (available at the Circ Desk in the Angus L. MacDonald library) for students to book and use on a first-come, first-served, short-term basis while they wait for a broken personal computer to be repaired or replaced.

Please note that this program is available as an interim service to students to allow continued academic work while a personal computer is being repaired or replaced. The program is not intended to be a permanent or long-term alternative to owning a functional personal computer that meets our recommended or minimum technical requirements. IT Services may restrict or prohibit loaner laptop bookings in cases where the program is being abused.

Why is it useful?

This program will allow students not to miss course content while their device is being repaired.

How do I access this service?

Click "Book a Loaner" to the right.  Once approved you will receive a link to book a pickup time.

Who can access this service?

  • Students
Book a Loaner

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