Environment: StFX Fortinet VPN users who use their mobile devices for Multi Factor Authentication
Purpose: How to configure the Fortitoken Authenticator (MFA)
NOTE: If you have been issued a hardware token for M365 MFA you will use the same device to authenticate for VPN MFA
To complete this setup you must
A. Have a Mobile Phone that meets the minimum MFA Requirements
B. You must have received an email containing an QR Code and access code for Fortitoken configuration
C. You must be running the latest version of Foritnet VPN
1. Download the FortiToken Authenticator
On your mobile device download the FortiToken Authenticator
Apple iOS
Go to the App store to download the free FortiToken Mobile IOS application.
Click here for FortiToken Mobile IOS download from App Store.
Google Android
Go to Google Play store to download the free FortiToken Mobile Android application
Click here for FortiToken Mobile Android download from Google Play Store
Microsoft Windows Mobile
Go to Microsoft store to download the free FortiToken Mobile Windows application
Click here for FortiToken Mobile Windows download from Microsoft Store.
2. Activating Your Token
Before beginning this process ensure your device is set to the correct time and you are connected the Internet and your Token activation date has not expired
1. Open the FortiToken Mobile Activation email sent by IT Services, ensure your token date has not expired. If so contact IT services requesting a new FortiToken.
2. You can either enter the Activation Code manually to your FortiToken app on your phone or you can select Scan Barcode and hold your camera over the attached QR code from the email.
Scan Barcode
If your device supports QR code recognition, you can simply press Scan Barcode from Fortitoken Mobile home screen and point your device camera at the QR code attached to the activation email.
Manual Activation
- Press Enter Manually, then select the type of token from the Enter Manually list.
- For FortiToken, select Fortinet.
- For 3rd-party token, select Other.
- Enter a name for this token and the Activation Code exactly as it appears in your Activation message, either by typing or copying & pasting.
Note: FortiToken Mobile will automatically convert lower case to upper case letters so there is no need to use the Shift key when typing.
- Click Done.
- FTM will communicate with the Secure FTM Provisioning Server to activate your token. Once activated, you will see the OTP displayed on token list view.
Setting up Push Notifications
If you want the option of just selecting approve on your phone for verification, a "push notification" it can be configured using the steps below.
- Input your username and password in your VPN Client
- When prompted for the code type push in the code field
- On your Mobile device you will receive an approve pop up in your FortiToken authenticator app.
Push Notifications do require data, if traveling with a mobile device with no data be sure to input the code displayed.