Digital Signage Install & Setup

What is this service?

Digital signage is a large flat panel display that shows content relevant for the users who are located in or traveling through an area.  StFX has a subscription with ScreenCloud for content management system. ScreenCloud is an easy to user friendly interface accessible anywhere through a web browser. This service allows for the request of the install and setup of a new digital signage location, including: initial consultation, quote for hardware, ScreenCloud configuration and training.

The requesting department is will incur a monthly charge per screen.  Each department will need to designate a resource(s) to learn the system through self-service training, create and update content, and manage users within the system for their department and will designate a primary and secondary owner for the digital sign to perform these activities. 

Why is it useful?

Digital signs are extremely useful for displaying a variety of content: Notices & information, schedules, calendars, news, weather, time & date (to name a few) allowing departments to inform, educate, and entertain people traveling through an area or working/ waiting in an area.

How do I access this service?

To request a new digital sign, click "Request Digital Signage" to the right.

You will be contacted for an initial consultation, and provided with a quote for hardware and any install costs.

Who can access this service?

  • Faculty
  • Staff

Who pays for this service?

Costs Covered by IT Services Costs Covered by Department
  • Initial consultation with Department for screen location, size, and technical requirements
  • Initial audio visual hardware install, configuration, and departmental orientation
  • Software licensing
  • Networking infrastructure
  • Operational maintenance (firewall, monitoring, updates, security management, etc.)
  • Support (trouble calls related to the digital signage hardware)
  • Signage software self-service training material and documentation
  • Flat Panel Display(s)
  • Display mount(s)
  • Display PC(s)
  • Monthy Subscription cost
  • Display panel installations costs (electrical, data port, ec)
  • Employee time dedicated to content creation, maintenance, and administration for the department
  • Coordination with Facilities Management to install electrical, data port, etc if required


Request Digital Signage

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Best practices for digital signage,and getting started with the digital signage software Screen.Cloud.