Student Withdraw Request

What is this service?

This service allows students to withdraw entirely from StFX. If you do not intend on withdrawing from StFX and simply wish to change your program, please submit the change of program request form. Students are not able to submit a withdrawal request on behalf of another student.

To properly process your withdrawal request, the following offices will be notified of your withdrawal:

  • Dean’s Office
  • Registrar’s Office
  • Business Office (Student Accounts)
  • Residence Office
  • Financial Aid Office
  • Student Life Office
  • Student’s Union
  • Library
  • Post Office
  • Safety & Security

Please allow 5-10 business days for the business office to finalize your student account and ensure any adjustments are reflected on your final account balance.

If you are withdrawing for medical reasons and you are on the StFX Student’s Union Health Plan, your coverage will continue until the end of the coverage period, August 31st. To confirm a medical withdrawal, documentation is required. Students may be contacted by the Dean’s Office if additional information is required to process your request.  Students withdrawing for non-medical reasons will have the option to remain covered through the StFX Health and Dental plan or receive a refund, if applicable, based on the date of withdrawal.  

Why is it useful?

This service is intended to support you throughout the withdrawal process. Once your withdrawal has been processed, you will no longer be able to register in courses and you will have to apply for re-entry to become eligible to take courses at StFX in the future.

How do I access this service?

Click the "Request Withdrawal" button to the right.

Who can access this service?

  • Students
Request Withdrawal

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