Application for Override

Tags students

What is this service?

Students may submit a request for a course override if they receive a registration error and feel they have valid reasons to be granted an exception to be permitted to register in a section.

Types of registration errors:

  • Closed section: This section has reached its capacity. An override will not be approved if another section fits your schedule.
  • Pre-requisite or course restriction: Refer to the Registration Errors section at to determine the reason for the registration error.
  • Co-requisite: Another CRN is required. Attempt to register again with the section and lab CRNs.

Why is it useful?

Students may request an override for a course after registration has opened. Requests sent prior to registration will not be processed.

How do I access this service?

Click "Apply for an Override" on the right, login to the secure portal, click "myData", and then select "Application for an Override". Copy and paste the completed form into an email to department contact listed on the form.

Who can access this service?

  • Students
Apply for an Override

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