Letter of Permission to Take Courses at Another University

What is this service?

If you wish to take a course at another institution, for transfer back to your StFX degree, you MUST obtain written permission PRIOR to taking the course.  This permission is granted through a specific form called a "Letter of Permission".  Failure to obtain an approved Letter of Permission prior to taking a course at another school will result in denial of transfer for that course.  (This requirement also pertains to students wanting to use the French Explore program, or any other language immersion program, for credit toward their degrees.)

Students who wish to complete a course at another university in the Atlantic provinces are encouraged to visit the MyNSFuture website at https://www.mynsfuture.ca/

MyNSFuture allows students to view course current equivalencies and course offerings.

Why is it useful?

Students can submit a request for a letter of permission to take courses at another university.

How do I access this service?

Click "Request permission to take courses at another university" to the right.

Who can access this service?

  • Students