Environment: StFX account holders with Authentication enabled and access to any web browser
Purpose: Provide steps for setting up the Microsoft Authenticator app for MFA
Sign in to your work or school account
After you sign in to your work or school account, you'll see a prompt that asks you to provide more information before it lets you access your account.
![Prompt asking for more info](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/user-help/media/security-info/securityinfo-prompt.png)
Set up your security info using the wizard
Follow these steps to set up your security info for your work or school account from the prompt.
This is only an example of the process. Depending on your organization's requirements, your administrator might have set up different verification methods that you'll need to set up during this process. For this example, we're requiring two methods, the Microsoft Authenticator app and a mobile phone number for verification calls or text messages.
After you select Next from the prompt, a Keep your account secure wizard appears, showing the first method your administrator and organization require you to set up. For this example, it's the Microsoft Authenticator app.
If you want to use an authenticator app other than the Microsoft Authenticator app, select the I want to use a different authenticator app link.
If your organization lets you choose a different method besides the authenticator app, you can select the I want to set up a different method link.
![Click to View Full Image Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)](https://stfx.teamdynamix.com/TDPortal/Images/Viewer?fileName=01d29c2f-9fc1-43ac-9889-d63fe09c1b01.png&beidInt=252)
Select Download now to download and install the Microsoft Authenticator app on your mobile device, and then select Next. For more information about how to download and install the app, see Download and install the Microsoft Authenticator app.
Remain on the Set up your account page while you set up the Microsoft Authenticator app on your mobile device.
Open the Microsoft Authenticator app, select to allow notifications (if prompted), select Add account from the Customize and control icon on the upper-right, and then select Work or school account.
If this is the first time you're setting up the Microsoft Authenticator app, you might receive a prompt asking whether to allow the app to access your camera (iOS) or to allow the app to take pictures and record video (Android). You must select Allow so the authenticator app can access your camera to take a picture of the QR code in the next step. If you don't allow the camera, you can still set up the authenticator app, but you'll need to add the code information manually. For information about how to add the code manually, see see Manually add an account to the app.
Return to the Set up your account page on your computer, and then select Next.
The Scan the QR code page appears.
Scan the provided code with the Microsoft Authenticator app QR code reader, which appeared on your mobile device after you created your work or school account in Step 5.
The authenticator app should successfully add your work or school account without requiring any additional information from you. However, if the QR code reader can't read the code, you can select the Can't scan the QR image and manually enter the code and URL into the Microsoft Authenticator app. For more information about manually adding a code, see Manually add an account to the app.
Select Next on the Scan the QR code page on your computer.
A notification is sent to the Microsoft Authenticator app on your mobile device, to test your account.
Enter the number shown in the Microsoft Authenticator app to sign in, and then select Next.
Your security info is updated to use the Microsoft Authenticator app by default to verify your identity when using two-step verification or password reset.
Review the success notification, and then select Done.