Environment: Faculty that have a quiz through Kwe' (Moodle)
Purpose: Provide tips, setup steps and best practices for the Kwe' (Moodle) quiz
1. Go the course in which you would like to build a question bank.
2. At the top of your course, choose More > Question Bank:

Adding Categories
3. From the dropdown menu on the left, choose Categories:

4. Choose Add Category:

5. Ensure that the Parent Category is listed as TOP (the course used for this tutorial is called Course Template 2023 so our Top category is called Top Course Template 2023):

6. Name your category. Some people name their categories based on the week and others based on their text chapters. Use whatever keeps you organized:

7. Once you have named the category, choose Add Category. Repeat steps 4 - 6 to add more categories.
Adding Subcategories
8. Now, we will add sub categories. Sub categories are important to add in order to organize your quiz questions based on type. If you are pulling random questions from your Question Bank, you do not want one student to receive multiple choice type questions and another to receive an essay. To add sub categories, we will click Add Category again but this time, our Parent Category will be Week 1 Questions. In this example, I am calling my sub category something explicit - Week 1 - Multiple Choice - 1 pt each. Once you are done naming, click Add Category.

9. Continue this process until each category has the subcategories you would like in it:
NOTE: if you have accidentally added your subcategory or even category to the wrong area, you can easily click the gear button associated with that item to move it to the correct Parent Category:

Adding Questions
10. Now that we have the proper sub categories, it is easy to add questions. Go to the dropdown menu on the left of the page and choose questions:

11. Under Select A Category, choose the category you would like to add questions to. In this case, we can add some questions to the subcategory called Week 1 - Multiple Choice - 1 pt each:

12. Choose Create a New Question:

13. Since we have indicated that these questions will me multiple choice, we will choose multiple choice as the type and click Add:

14. Proceed to make your multiple choice questions. For instructions on how to create questions. Go to the article: Creating a multiple choice question in Kwe' (Moodle).
15. Repeat steps 10 - 15 until you have added all the questions you would like. You can also add more questions of a different type using the same instructions.
16. Now our Question Bank is populated for Week 1 Quizzes:

NOTE: The number in the brackets indicates the number of questions in that category or sub category. The more questions you have, the more random your quizzes will ultimately be.
Building a Quiz
17. Go to your course page and toggle editing on.
18. Click "Add an Activity or Resource".
19. Choose "Quiz" and click "Add".
20. Name the quiz:

21. Under "Timing" set a start time and end time for the quiz:

22. Under "Review Options" in the 4th column (After the quiz is closed) check off "The attempt".
This way, students who complete the quiz will see that they have attempted it.
If you would like students to see their mark after the quiz is completed and the quiz closes, choose "Marks".

23. Choose "Save and Display" when complete.
24. A new page will load. Click "Add Question" to add questions:

25. Under "Add", choose "a random question":

26. Now, choose the category you would like to pull those questions from:

27. Under Number of Random Questions, choose how many random questions you would like to add. In this example, we will pull 2 but more questions in each category ensure better randomization. Click add a random question:

28. Now the quiz has 2 random multiple choice questions in it. Repeat steps 25 - 27 to add different question types from different categories. Remember that if you add more questions to the question bank, Moodle will automatically pull those questions randomly into a quiz - even if the quiz is already set up. More questions = more randomization and more academic integrity.