Qualtrics Survey Distributor Account Request

What is this service?

Qualtrics is a cloud-based survey software.   StFX users can conduct online surveys as well as view and export survey results.   All stfx accounts can log to Qualtrics and create surveys but only those with distributor access can approve for distribution.  Student account can not request distributor access they must have their supervising faculty or staff member request distribution rights.

Student account access is also limited for some features such as access to JavaScript. Staff and distributor account access includes these additional permissions.

Qualtrics support offers many options for service, support, and on demand training.

To access Qualtrics support, use the help feature once you are logged into Qualtrics and choose customer support hub.

Why is it useful?

While all stfx accounts can log into qualtrics and create surveys only StFX users with Qualtrics distributor access can approve surveys, their own and others,  for distribution.    Qualtrics is a good teaching or research tool as students can also use this tool but need survey approval from an instructor before being able to distribute surveys. 

How do I access this service?

Anyone with a StFX account can login to stfx.ca1.qualtrics.com to create a survey.   To send out surveys you must complete the Form by clicking the Request Service button and agree to the acceptable use policy.   Students require a survey approval from a registered sponsoring faculty member to send surveys.  

After reading the Qualtrics Survey Software Acceptable Use Policy, click "Request Service" to the right for other support inquiries.

Who can access this service?

  • Faculty
  • Staff
Request Service

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A privacy statement to be placed at the beginning of all surveys created in Qualtrics.
This form must be read and agreed to prior to having a Qualtrics account created for you.

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