Banner, MesAmis, and other institutional applications.

Categories (2)

Endpoint Security

A listing of security and antivirus software delivered as part of StFX Endpoint Management practise.

Report Access

Access institutional data through custom systems such as Banner, MyData, X-Reports and Millennium Fast.

Services (21)

Report Request (X-Report)

Use this service to request a report that is missing from your report menu.

Custom Applications Support

IT Services provides support for custom-written applications used at St FX.

KX Application Support

KX proviedes several applications for Residence Services and Conference & Event support.

MyLabApps - Virtual Lab Applications

Resources on accessing the Microsoft Azure lab application portal and downloading lab software


NVivo is software that supports qualitative and mixed methods research. It’s designed to help you organize, analyze and find insights in unstructured, or qualitative data like: interviews, open-ended survey responses, articles, social media and web content.

Qualtrics Survey Distributor Account Request

Request an account to use Qualtrics survey software.


This service links to the Salesforce support portal. St FX subscribes to SalesForce's Premier Success Plan support offering, giving us access to some of the support and training resources the application has to offer.

Specialized Software Security and Privacy Assessment

Request IT Services to preform a security and privacy assessment for specialized software needed for course delivery or support.


SPSS is a software package used for logical batched and non-batched statistical analysis

Systems Integration Support

Support for integrations and interfaces (also known as "syncs" or "synchronizations") that connect one or more systems together.

Banner Admin Pages (Banner Forms)

Banner provides a variety of functions for administration.

Banner Self Service Support

Students and Faculty use Banner Self Service for course registration, grade entry, and access personal information and forms.

ID Card Production Support

IT Services provides support for the systems and software (ID Works) used by various departments across campus to produce ID cards for students, staff, and conference attendees.

Kwe' (Moodle)

Kwe' (Moodle) is a course content platform that gives both students and their professors an online platform to post assignments, download relevant coursework, have class discussions, and much more.

Drupal Website

IT Services creates and maintains websites for all departments at a St. FX.

Portal software is used for accessing mesAMIS and Banner Self-Service

Printing to Multiple Department Accounts

Staff and Faculty whom are members of multiple departments who wish to allocate printing charges can use this service.

Transact Account Request

This service is for requesting an account to administer and use Transact.

BitTorrent Access

Request access to use BitTorrent traffic on the campus network.

Transact (Blackboard)

Blackboard Transact is used primarily in Residence and food services for DCB.

Need Help? Contact Support

Need additional help or to request something you cannot find in the service catalog? Use this form to submit a ticket and someone will address it.