Banner Self Service Support

What is this service?

Banner is the name of the software that supports our student information system.  Banner Self-Service is the web-based portion of the Banner product.  mesAMIS is a StFX-developed and supported reporting system that interfaces with the Banner database.

Banner Self-Service is used by students and faculty.  Students use it to register in courses, view detailed class schedule, apply for graduation, view their grade report, and to obtain their T2202A tax forms.  Faculty use it to enter registration error overrides and to enter grades.  Students and faculty log into Banner Self-Service using their ID number and their secure PIN.  Log into Banner Self-Service using the link in the left side menu of any page on the Registrar's Office web site.

Why is it useful?

Depending on your role at the university, you may require Banner access to facilitate various business processes, enter grade information, or access information about courses or taxation.

How do I access this service?

**Firefox and Chrome are the recommended browsers.   Safari and Internet Explorer users have experienced access issues.

Banner Self Service

  1. Go to
  2. Log in using your StFX credentials (ie Students x2020abc, and stfx password, faculty jdoe and stfx password)
  3. Select a Banner Self-Service
  4. Log in with your student or faculty ID#  and 6 digit Pin

Click "Request Support" to the right for other support inquiries.

Who can access this service?

  • Faculty
  • Students
Request Support

Related Articles (1)

This guide will walk you through the connection steps for accessing mesAMIS, myData and Banner Self-Service on campus

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