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Getting suspicious emails from other StFX accounts or seeing unknown activity in your own account? IT Services can help.

Intermittent access to accounts and seeing messages about account being locked or invalid password when password is correct.

Student Account access is based on Banner status. All active students are eligible to have a StFX account.

Each May Affiliate and Generic/Operational Accounts are reviewed for continuation.

Service to request a faculty Zoom account for online course delivery.

This service is for requesting an account to administer and use Transact.

Request an account to use Qualtrics survey software.

New faculty, staff, or grad students Onboarding. StFX account request, printing, telecom, mesAMIS, Banner Forms, as well as request StFX deployed Technology

An affiliate account is requested for individuals whom are not currently on payroll but are associated with the university through project, volunteer, or other circumstances. An affiliate is a personalized account with a single owner but requires a current staff or faculty member to sponsor the account.

This service is used to request the closure of a StFX staff or faculty account. This ensures system and data access is removed, assets are returned and the employee is provided with import information regarding data backup and accessing information leading up to and following an employee leaving the university.

Voicemail password resets, Blackboard Passwords, MesAMIS and Banner PIN Reset or recovery. Reset the password for an account the uses credentials other then your StfX username and password (webfx).

Used by StFX Staff and Faculty to request an update to directory information such as name and username changes and titles and location.

Request Banner Pages Admin Access

Staff and Faculty whom are members of multiple departments who wish to allocate printing charges can use this service.

StFX accounts can easily check printing usages and charges using the papercut client.