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Services or Offerings?
Used to assist employee transition to an new role, update directory information and account access.

This service is used to request the closure of a StFX staff or faculty account. This ensures system and data access is removed, assets are returned and the employee is provided with import information regarding data backup and accessing information leading up to and following an employee leaving the university.

Read&Write literacy software makes the web and documents more accessible for students, and employees with dyslexia and reading difficulties.

Raising cybersecurity awareness amongst our employees reduces the risk of data breaches, system downtime and reputational harm. StFX offers Terranova as its cyber security training platform. Faculty, staff and students to build cyber security awareness through Terranova's interactive training platforms.

UKG Pro is StFX Human Resources Information System (HRIS). It provides a one-stop portal for all HR information. this includes pay, benefits, leave tracking, and scheduling.

New faculty, staff, or grad students Onboarding. StFX account request, printing, telecom, mesAMIS, Banner Forms, as well as request StFX deployed Technology

Request a mobile device after receiving appropriate approvals per the Wireless Communications Device Policy.

Each May Affiliate and Generic/Operational Accounts are reviewed for continuation.

Anyone with a StFX telephone system can have a voicemail box attached to their extension for voice messages.

Request access to Security Cameras on campus

A variety of file storage, sharing, and remote access options are available at StFX for departmental, personal and web storage. For all storage types, backup and recovery services are available.

Request the installation and setup of a new digital signage location for your department.

Request access changes to your IT managed department share.

Used to request new department Shares