Popular Services

X-Reports gives faculty and staff reports to fulfill various business processes and needs across campus.

Students and Faculty use Banner Self Service for course registration, grade entry, and access personal information and forms.

Email at StFX is provided to students, faculty, and staff by Office365.

Kwe' (Moodle) is a course content platform that gives both students and their professors an online platform to post assignments, download relevant coursework, have class discussions, and much more.

This form allows a student to request a change to the program that they are currently enrolled in.

Begin a grade appeal process.

This service allows students to withdraw entirely from St FX. If you wish to change your program but remain at St FX please submit the change of program request.

Students may submit a request for a course override if they receive a registration error and feel they have valid reasons to be granted an exception to be permitted to register in a section.

Self-Service password reset tool available 24-7

If you wish to take a course at another institution, for transfer back to your StFX degree, you MUST obtain written permission PRIOR to taking the course.

Need additional help or to request something you cannot find in the service catalog? Use this form to submit a ticket and someone will address it.

A letter of confirmation of enrolment may be used for financial institutions, health insurance plans, employers and some scholarships. The confirmation of enrolment letter includes - full name, date of birth, full-time or part-time status, current degree program, and the start and end dates of the current academic year.
If you prefer to have your chosen first name that is listed in Banner, included in the letter instead of your full legal name, please indicate this in the comment field.

New faculty, staff, or grad students Onboarding. StFX account request, printing, telecom, Faculty X Reports, Banner Forms, as well as request StFX deployed Technology

StFX's encrypted wireless network available campus-wide.

Class Schedules, exam schedules, financial account activity & balance, and other student information.

SPSS is a software package used for logical batched and non-batched statistical analysis

Use this service to request a report that is missing from your report menu.

Add your gaming console or streaming devices such as an XBox, Playstation, google home, smart TV, or Alexa to the wireless network.

Electronic marking for quizzes, midterms, and/or exams.

This service is used to request the closure of a StFX staff or faculty account. This ensures system and data access is removed, assets are returned and the employee is provided with import information regarding data backup and accessing information leading up to and following an employee leaving the university.

Request an account to use Qualtrics survey software.

VPN is used to connect to Banner Admin Pages, Millennium Fast and Budget Information, and provides off-campus connection to network drives.

StFX provides student access to a fleet of twenty-one enterprise-class multi-function devices located in key areas on campus These units provide print, scan and copy services. Students can connect to the devices using their own computers, or through StFX deployed stations.

Resources on accessing the Microsoft Azure lab application portal and downloading lab software